Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Get the Look for Less: Julie G Textured Gumdrops Part 1

Ahh, the Julie G Frosted Gum Drops, textured polish line.
I have been stalking Rite-Aids for longer than I care to divulge (the Cashiers actually KNOW me at this point) for this lovely line.
Julie G is an exclusive line to Rite-Aid, and since textures seem to be all the rave, they are one of the first drugstore lines (behind Milani) to jump on the band wagon.
Yesterday, for Tips on Tuesday, I showed you Zoya PixieDust in Godiva. The colors from their Spring line are definitely not eye-popping like their Summer shades, so I am so glad to show you the GumDrops as an alternative! Zoya retails for $8, but the Julie G Gumdrops are only $3.99 at your local Rite-Aid! 
That's $4 in savings! 
Getting the look for less!

First up is Sugar Rush, an orange-coral shade. The first coat goes on relatively pink, but after the second coat it ends out more of an orange-y coral. This polish is packed with gold and deep orange micro glitters. And of course, it dries matte, with a textured (sandy) feel.

Application was perfect. I used 2 coats, no base or top coat. I find that with textured polishes, it doesn't really matter if you use a base coat or not. However, the textured effect is null if you add a top coat. 

Removal on Sugar Rush was relatively easy. Not quite as easy as removing Zoya Godiva, but it definitely wasn't a huge deal. This polish appeared to have a Jelly base, so I think that helped with removal. I did find that I was covered in little glitters until I washed my hands! (Oh Twilight!)

My favorite so far is Blueberry Fizz. 
Holy cow is this one pretty! Not to mention it is pretty much the exact shade of my car, a light periwinkle, blue. 

Blueberry Fizz has a ton of micro glitter and has some larger glitter pieces mixed it. 
The bigger chunks of glitter were seriously eye catching and packed an awesome glitter punch!
Despite more glitter, this one went one just as easy as Sugar Rush.
 2 coats shown here, no base or top coats. The above picture is the actual shade.
I found this one harder to remove because of the higher concentration of glitters and I was left with a couple of the larger chunk glitters left over. But, beauty is pain right? I will suffer through glitter nightmare removal any day for this pretty!

I thought it would lose some of the sparkle after it dried, but it didn't. I did find that these textured polishes were a little rougher than Zoya, but not to the point where it would catch on anything. I did have to file my tips a little though because it was a little rougher around the edge.

 Here she is in the shade. I loved the cool tone of the blue on my skin tone. It is very flattering and despite being blue, it isn't too bold. Check out those larger glitters scattered in there!

I am so happy with these polishes! To think I was back and forth on the purchase for awhile!
If you have been thinking about trying a textured polish, these are the ones to try, 
especially if you love you some glitter! Go buy them!
I am not sure how long these will be in stores so get them while you can!
Check back later this week for the other 2 shades I chose.
Check out Part 2 HERE.

What do you think of the textured polishes? Have you tried them? Yay or Nay?

Julie G Gumdrops are also available for purchase online HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and others around you.


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